The Balinese are profoundly spiritual people. Every morning and several times throughout the day men and women in traditional garb lay small basket offerings onto sidewalks and alters (you literally have to step over them while walking down the street). These are filled with fresh flowers and pungent incense. Every neighborhood has a temple, which holds many shrines and statues. Each of these are thoughtfully clothed in Balinese tapestry. I've never seen anything like it before. When I think it won't get any better.... I arrive in Bali.
It's going to take some getting use to the intense humidity. This cooled off some when it started raining yesterday and continued on into the night. The storm, of booming thunder and heavy downpours, woke me many times throughout the night.
Tomorrow is a Hindu holiday celebrated in temples, all over the island. Many stores will be closed for special ceremonies. I look forward to waking up early and hopefully see some of the festivities.
Local street art.